It is with great pleasure that we can welcome you to our new website, after what seems such a long absence, which was due to a number of factors that were outside of our control.​
We are also pleased to announce that our Theatre Memorial Restoration and Commemorative Blue Plaque programmes are now back up and running.
Our Music Hall, Theatre and Film Collection continues to grow and we are so very grateful for the timeless gifts that you have bestowed upon us and we hope we will be able to exhibit and share these with you in the coming months.​
We also have a new THEATRE GIFT SHOP which sells unique theatrical greeting cards, that you won't find on the high street, theatre memorabilia, celebrity autographs and theatrical gifts which was created to help raise much needed funds to support the work that we do.
We do hope you will enjoy this website and we hope that you will continue to support our charitable aims for the future.